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Should ESCOs be allowed to perform their own M&V. The more important matter behind this question is when do we overstep boundaries when talking about "Conflict of Interest".

Join us for this interesting discussions and views on:

  • What benefit there is to independent verification of energy savings
  • M&V as an assurance function
  • Funding and risk mitigation when funders provide funding for projects
  • What is independence - and why is it, or is it not, a preferred option
  • What is a perceived conflict of interest and how to deal with it
  • How to manage conflict of interest when you are on both sides working with a client, and when you shouldn't be on both sides
  • What does SA regulations allow for EPC and 12L energy efficiency tax incentives 
  • What are the legal implications for ESCO's performing M&V in a performance contracting project
  • Experiences where conflicts of interest were ignored, or where it would have had a detrimental impact
  • A "Government perspective" from local to international organisations' approach from the South African National Accreditation 
  • The inside scoop - ESCO view on supporting the conflict of interest


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  IEPA Bluetable Webinar - Maintaining independence when verifying savings
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IEPA offers a number of training and certification programs through its Sub-Saharan African training partners:

  • AEE Energy Certifications
  • Introductory Energy Training Modules
  • UNIDO Energy System Optimisation End User and Expert Level Training
  • Solar PVGreencard Installers